Thursday, August 21, 2008

In the Begining...

I have been reading others peoples thoughts and ideas for years and finanlly decided to write down and share mine with the world. Even though I only graduated from college 6 years ago it seems like I am decades removed from the world of technology, especially on blogs, facebook, and myspace. It seems like I graduated a few years before this became a popular past-time and after college I went to work with people that are 20 years older than me that didn't blog or use social networking websites. Another factor is that I live in Arkansas, a rural state not known for it's technological advances. When I was in college only a few people even had cell phones. This is a crazy thought for me, that so much has changed in such a small amount of time. It seems the older I get the more I can relate to more and more people. Listing to my little sister who is a senior in college talk about facebook I started to understand how my grandparents feel when computers came around. I hope you enjoy reading about my thoughts on life.

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