Wednesday, November 26, 2008

What every NFL team should be thankful for

By:Kurt Schonhardt
As Thanksgiving approaches, it's important to look back and give thanks for everything that you have. For some NFL fans, finding something to be thankful for is easier than others, but we found a reason for all 32 teams. Yes, even the Lions.

AFC East
New England Patriots -thankful that they don't have to keep crying in their Samuel Adams over Tom's injury because it seems that Matt Cassel has finally figured out that Randy Moss is, in fact, really good.
Miami Dolphins - the 'Wildcat' formation, of course. They keep winning with it. If you'll indulge me for a second, I promise it will be worth it.
New York Jets - thankful that even though Brett Favre looks like he has no clue what he's doing or no idea who he's throwing the ball to, the J-E-T-S are winning games again.
Buffalo Bills -thankful that only 6 of their games are interdivision games. 0-3 so far. They are 6-2 against the rest of the league.

NFC West
Arizona Cardinals - that they play in the NFC West and will easily get a playoff spot whether they end up 7-9 or much better.
San Francisco 49ers - thankful that you have Mike Singletary as your head coach. He's fiery, he's intense, he's coaching a team with little to no talent. It's like Jimmie Johnson being forced to drive a Ford Pinto instead of a Taurus.
Seattle Seahawks - Hey, you get a new coach next year. You know, someone that might actually try to make the team a little better?
St Louis Rams - Donnie Avery has been the lone bright spot on a dismal season in the dome. Think if they had a decent QB to get him the ball.

AFC South
Tennessee Titans - really, do you need anything more than 10-1? Don't be greedy. Remember there are starving Lions fans in Detroit that would take any leftover wins you guys don't need.
Jacksonville Jaguars - you can be thankful that your coach is completely pissed about being 4-7 and will try to make things better. Chiefs fans, Lions fans, Bengals fans all get to watch their teams struggle and the coaches seem completely apathetic about it.
Indianapolis Colts - it was a horrific start to the season and now your team appears to be in full-on playoff mode. And doesn't it seem like the better Peyton plays, the more commercials we get the pleasure of watching him in?
Houston Texans - thankful that the other Texas team is getting all the attention for their struggles and for the most part, everyone is ignoring yours. On a more serious note, thankful that the Hurricane wasn't much, much worse than it could have been.

NFC East
Dallas Cowboys - Romo and T.O. look to be back on track, maybe just in time to save the season. At least the Seahawks are visiting for Turkey Day and not the Giants.
New York Giants - Speaking of the Giants, they are thankful that they could have another running back get hurt and still not suffer a drop off at the position. How many teams wish they could say that? All of them, that's how many.
Philadelphia Eagles - thankful that Andy Reid finally had enough balls to bench McNabb. You can't keep turning the ball over and expecting the coach to have your back. McNabb is thankful that Kevin Kolb didn't come in and throw 3 TD's in the second half on Sunday.
Washington Redskins - two words. Jim Zorn.

NFC South
Tampa Bay Buccaneers - you have a gritty, short, tough QB that is getting you win after win. And he's got a smokin hot wife to boot.
Carolina Panthers - hey, look at that! Steve Smith hasn't broken anyone's eye socket in like 3 months now. Way to go!
Atlanta Falcons - thankful that the Chargers couldn't find any need for Michael Turner. You know, just in case LT were to struggle? But that couldn't happen, right?
New Orleans Saints - thankful that they got to watch Deuce McAllister break the all-time Saints TD record at home.

AFC West
Denver Broncos - if I were a fan, I'd be grateful that Jay Cutler is getting a bit of a lesson in humility. Seriously Jay, don't every mention yourself with John Elway in the same breath while talking to anyone from Colorado. All the while your team is running away with the division because everyone else has given up.
San Diego Chargers - thankful that they can at least blame Ed Hochuli for their poor showing this year and completely ignore the fact that LT and Antonio Gates appear to be past their peak.
Kansas City Chiefs - they are thankful that they likely won't end up as the worst team in the state, thanks to the Rams.
Oakland Raiders - thankful that their team has won any games with an owner that's nuttier than a pet racoon

AFC North
Pittsburgh Steelers - thankful that Big Ben is apparently, like his namesake, made of steel. He's been crushed so many times this year, it seems crazy that he's still playing.
Cleveland Browns - thankful that after the season, Romeo Crennel will be able to join his buddy Charlie Weis as coordinators on some other team.
Baltimore Ravens - thankful that Joe Flacco has made for a servicable quarterback so far.
Cincinnati Bengals - thankful knowing that you're simply 1 healthy QB, a decent running back or two, a couple of receivers that won't destroy the chemistry of the whole team and a halfway decent defense from having a good team.

NFC North
Chicago Bears - thankful that just maybe they have a quarterback. Let's see, there was Kyle Orton, Rex Grossman, Brian Griese and now Kyle Orton 2.0, who looks to really have figured it out.
Minnesota Vikings - they give thanks that their defense can score at will and their offense doesn't allow the other team's defense to score enough to beat them.
Green Bay Packers - that Aaron Rodgers hasn't played so bad that they are wishing for you know who to come back, even after he completely screwed over the entire state of Wisconsin.
Detroit Lions - thankful that Matt Millen is gone. Thankful that they'll be able to grab another stud receiver with their first overall pick and thankful that they'll get tons of media attention in Week 17 as they try to stay defeated for an entire season.

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